In my previous post "10 Ways To Make Income Online" I briefly mentioned FIVERR as a viable option for freelancers. If you have a particular set of skills that businesses and individuals require, you can begin to make money online as a freelancer. Freelancing is a great way to earn income while doing what you love.
Here is the step by step process on setting up your FIVERR account.
Once you log into your account go to the PROFILE icon on the top left of your screen: SELECT PROFILE (Side Note…Once you sign up you can also make income from referrals!!!)
Which option best describes you? FIVERR is built to help businesses, freelancer's, and agencies reach clients across a spectrum of industries. In this block you want to put the type of entity you are and what industry category your business or service belongs to.
To fill out your seller profile:
Step 1: Personal Info
1. Fill out your full name.
Note: FIVERR will keep this information private.
2. In the Profile Picture section, add an image of yourself.
TIPS for successful Photos: (You can find a professional Photographer on FIVERR!!)
What are you going to wear?
Think about what you are going to wear. Your photo should have a professional appearance. It is recommended not to wear any graphic logo t-shirts or band names or funny slogans on your top.
Is your skin shiny?
Studio lighting can often make your skin look shiny, glossy, sweaty, or greasy. Ladies it is recommended to wear some concealer to cut down on the shine. Gentleman should probably do a quick wash of the face to reduce the shiny appearance.
What about your hair?
To my friends with long hair, I’d always recommend bringing a brush with you to the shoot. You want your hair to be like a shampoo advertisement. You want a smooth flowing, full bodied, and neat appearance. Don’t have messy hair. Make sure that it’s brushed/combed and neat around the edges.
Make up or no make up?
When taking a professional shot of you in a work environment, you should think about how you apply your make up. A natural look always works best for these situations. Don’t over do it. Keep it simple. You want the image to be a good professional representation of yourself.
Should I wear my glasses?
If you normally wear glasses and people are used to seeing you in them, then wear them. If you only wear glasses for computer work or reading, then just make the decision on whether or not you want to wear them. This one is not a deal breaker, but it is your appearance and your potential clients first impression.
What is your best side?
Take the picture at an angle that gives you the most favorable light. Right or Left? I am sure you know what angle and side works best for you.
There are so many things to consider when taking a professional head-shot. Do not let it stress you out.
3. In the Description section, introduce yourself to the FIVERR community.
This section should be unique to you. Highlight your background and experience. Your clients want to know your background.
1. In the Languages section, select the languages you speak and your level of fluency.
2. Click Continue.
Step 2: Professional Info
1. In the Your Occupation field, select your expertise.
2. In the Skills section, let your buyers know your skills. These may be skills gained through your previous jobs, hobbies, or even everyday life. You also have the option to suggest skills.
3. In the Education section, select when and where you attended college. You also have the option to suggest your diploma if it is not listed. If you have no college background do not worry. There are plenty of opportunities to shine in this section.
4. In the Certification section, listing your honors and awards may help you stand out from other sellers. You also have the option to suggest certifications.
5. In the Personal Website field, enter your URL. (Uniform Resource Locator) Simply put the URL is a web address. A URL helps a web browser to find a website on the internet. It is the virtual equivalent of a street address. If you do not have a personal or business website, just leave it blank. If you’re interested in getting a custom website created for your needs, we have you covered:
6. Click Continue.
Step 3: Linked Accounts
1. In the Linked Accounts section, link your social and professional networking accounts to your FIVERR account. You may select more than one.
Note: Your personal information will not be displayed to the buyer.
2. Click Continue.
Step 4: Account Security
1. In the Email field, click "Verify Now" and continue with the process.
2. In the Phone Number field, click "Verify Now" and continue with the process.
Note: (FIVERR can not verify Google numbers through this verification process.)
3. When finished, click Continue & Create Your First Gig.